Girl Scouts explore London and Paris

More than 40 Girl Scouts, leaders, and chaperones are spending this week in London and Paris as part of a Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania international trip. You can keep up with their adventures on our Facebook page, where we will post daily updates and photos.

On day one, the girls explored London through a walking tour, taking in sights from Big Ben to Piccadilly Circus. Other activities in London will include guided tours of the Houses of Parliament, St. Paul’s Cathedral, and Westminster Abbey. The group also visited Pax Lodge, a Girl Scout World Center.

The second half of the trip will take the Girl Scouts to Paris for a ride down the Champs Elysees, a visit to the Louvre and lots more. The group will tour Versailles and spend a day at Disneyland Paris.

We can’t wait to hear all about their international experiences when the Girl Scouts return home! And if you’re inspired to take a Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania international trip, check out details about next summer’s journey to Iceland!

Written by Cathy Molitoris, Marketing Coordinator for Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania.

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