York County volunteer loves being a role model for girls

As a Girl Scout volunteer, Ashley Riggleman has been a chaperone for events and a troop leader for multi-level troops. Like many moms, she became a volunteer when her daughter expressed interest in joining  Girl Scouts. That was eight years ago, and Ashley continues to dedicate her time to the organization because she believes in the Girl Scout mission.

“Girl Scouts is important to me because I like to be a role model for the girls,” she said. “I love seeing the girls’ eyes light up as they enter the meeting room. I enjoy having the girls try something new and their smiles when they realize they enjoyed what we have done.”

She’s made countless memories over the years in Girl Scouts, including a special camping trip.

“My troop went to camp with our Service Unit for a Friendsgiving,” she recalled. “We shared a meal, and my troop really enjoyed it.”

Ashley, who lives in Hanover in York County, earned a Certificate of Appreciation from Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania this past spring. She was nominated by her peers for going above and beyond for all of the girls in the troop and helping out wherever she’s needed.

When she’s not volunteering with Girl Scouts, Ashley gets creative with crafts including diamond painting, likes to camp with her family, and enjoys spending time with her husband and kids. A stay-at-home mom, she’s the mother of four children and the pet parent to two dogs and lots of fish that live in the family’s 175-gallon fish tank.

She encourages other people to join Girl Scouts as volunteers, emphasizing that the organization offers opportunities to enrich the lives of leaders as well as the girls.

“Joining Girl Scouts is a great way to get involved in the community, meet new people, and get new experiences,” she said.

Personally, she’s enjoyed not only the memories she’s made with Girl Scouts, but also the chance to see the girls in her troop flourish.

“The best part of being a Girl Scout leader is getting to extend my family,” she said. “I have watched most of the girls in my troop grow, learn, and change.”

Written by Cathy Molitoris, Marketing Coordinator for Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania.

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